Do you know how your business appears online? Perhaps you’ve had some bad reviews or you don’t have a website? An online audit (every 6 months) is the start to boosting your profile and dealing with adverse posts about you.
Whether or not you have a website it’s important to know how your business is being viewed online.
At CJ’s Business Solutions we recommend regular (6 monthly) online audits be conducted for your business.
Depending on the nature of your business, number of branches etc, audits take 2-3 hours to complete.
As part of the process we:
- Search for & seek to fix any negative references
- Search for & seek to remove any false references
- Compare your business’ performance online against your competitors
- Aim to improve your business’ profile through connection to a wide variety of online directories
- Check to see if your website (if you have one) is performing over a range of keyword searches and make recommendations for changes
For a quote or more information about what’s involved in an online audit go to our Contact Us page.
You can also read more on our blog.